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2011-02-08 / murd / Reads: 2787

A number of bands, whose works I currently praise and glorify in every way possible, comprises a resultant of sheerly accidental range of listenings, subconscious clicks being a result of the search for the sound nourishment, which would satisfy my own musical hunger, annoying me in its entirety, almost chronically....

Blue Moon Festival #2

Blue Moon Festival #2

2006-07-11 / Iscaria / Reads: 20693

We showed up in the club at 5PM sharp, just right at the time of opening the fest with an appearance of the first band on the stage. People started slowly to gather, the hall with the stage was still closed, so we decided to hang around and to contemplate...

Breakdown of Sanity

Breakdown of Sanity

2015-11-24 / kantellis / Reads: 3735

This coverage is for all those who, hearing the word "metalcore" shudder and change the subject. Since metalcore is not as terrible as it’s presented. And the concert of Breadown of Sanity at Pod Minogą club in Poznan on 29.09.2015 definitely proved it. Clawerfield The first band has it...

Brendan Perry

Brendan Perry

2010-10-11 / Thalia / Reads: 3882

A name of Master is used to describe a person who almost achieved perfection in particular field. Whereas in music with Master’s name you nominate icons, vocalists, guitar players, whole formations which by gaining countless throngs of fans proved that through the sound you can tell more than through image....


Castle Party 2005

2005-10-09 / Dobermann / Reads: 29481

Let me start by saying that this year I didn’t have the chance to spend the whole three days, just two, at the CP. As you probably realize, in everyone’s life there comes the time of hard work and so-called holidays. However, I’m not going to focus on holidays…. ....

Castle Party 2006

Castle Party 2006

2006-08-10 / Ultima / Reads: 63915

The 13th edition of Castle Party left a strange sense of insufficiency among the Festival goers. The concerts were better than those last year what doesn't change the fact that "something was wrong". I won't complain from the very start and describe the action in Bolków at the last weekend...

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